Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hello family from the Bret and Jessica Waters family-
This is a great idea- thanks Candace, she must come from a good family. . . being so smart and all. :)
An update from us- Eve and Anna started school two weeks ago. The first day of school is the best day of the year for mom and the girls. They love it. Eve loves seeing all her friends and eating lunch at school. Anna loves homework and learning to read.
Julia is almost three but tells people she seven years old. She wishes she was a "big" girl and could go to school. So she does "school" at home with mom.
Eliza is almost 4months old now and she is a wonderful baby. She eats and sleeps well and is incredibly tolerate of all the "lovin" she gets from the girls. I would like to say she is so good because of all my wonderful and experienced mothering abilities. (haha yeah right) But I think Heavenly Father knew I just needed a really happy baby this time around!
Bret is doing really well at work he is crazy busy but, that is good for him. He is the director of Emergency Management for the city- so he deals with all the emergency preparedness and homeland security stuff. SSSHHHHH. . . don't tell him (I am not supposed to tell anyone he is embrassed) but he was in the New York Times paper last week. You did not get this link from me. . .understood? But I think it is kinda cool.
He is also busy with the bishopric so needless to say I look forward to date night like a little kid on Christmas morning!
I of course have officially become a carpooling, soccer momma driving the beast suburban. That keeps me pretty busy. I am teaching relief society once a month and I really love it. It is not quite as stressful as teaching Gospel Doctrine. Anyways we looove it here in Colorado Springs. Our door is open to anyone who would like to come.
My cord that connects to my camera is broken but as soon as I replace it I will post some pics of our growing family!
Love you all and I am so glad we are staying in touch this way!
Thanks Candace!! This is Laura White---and I am very happy I found the "LOG IN" button! (Scroll UP.)
Well, Grace turned eight and was baptized at the end of August. Noel turned 15 at the beginning of September--School's on! Sarah is in seventh grade and Junior High for the first time.
I think yesterday's schedule is a good snapshot of our lives at present:
Richard was home--no Coast Guard Reserve duty this weekend!
Noel had no soccer because "his" team has games only on Sunday this season--so he's learning Bluegrass fiddle and doing homework instead.
Sarah was off to a rehearsal for her first real stage appearance as one of the kids in "The King and I" number for a Bothell High Musical Review.
Colin was a star on his new soccer team--Scored TWO goals at his first game yesterday! He's in fourth grade and looked so tall on the field.
Gracie also played her very first soccer game ever: And YES! Scored goals as well!
Next weekend Richard will be off to a Revolutionary War Reinacting event---
And Laura: Well, I am having a great time teaching Science part time at the grade school near our house where Colin and Grace attend.

Love to ALL!
Big things have happened to the Westovers in the past few months.. Jordan and I moved into our new townhome days before Eric got married, so it was a very crazy week.. Jordan has been working for his dad and for a company called Newsletter Ink, doing the layout and design of different companies newsletters. I was working for my father in law as a receptionist until the end of June when I decided that I needed to go somewhere else, and now I work at a Target that is literally two minutes away from my house.. I work on the team that unloads the trailers and then I go out and put the inventory up onto the shelves.. It's nice, because its starts at 4 in the morning and I am done by 8 or 9 each morning. No kids here yet.. But that just means that I get to spoil and play with all of my adorable nieces and nephews more.
I think that this is such a great idea and I hope that everyone will participate.. In fact, after church I may go over and show my mom how to do this.
Candice, I can't believe that you might be having twins! That is wonderful news for you and Darwin and little Denver. Jordan and I will have to come and visit Rexburgh one of these days.
Well.. Much love and many hugs from the Jones family!
Brenda Sue

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Now you are really in for a surprise--Carla trying a new computer thing!!! It sounds like a great idea to me. We are having fun with Erin just new in High school, Jennae in Middle school and Aubrey in 6th grade. Three schools and three schedules!
To celebrate Labor Day this year, we decided to visit Timpanogos Cave--it was a "labor" getting to the cave entrance, I must say! The last time I did that was with Steve and Ann, and I think Steve carried one or more of his kids on the trek to the top. I was a younger woman then!
I think we have a picture of this, so let me look...
So, I had to get Barry's help on the pictures, but now I think I can do this. Thanks to Candace for getting us started. TWINS?!? That is great!
Hey everyone I'm glad this is catching on so far. I just wanted to remind everyone to sign their name so we know who is speaking to us. I'm sure we could tell by what the comments says but just in case. Also anyone, can come and look at our family blog simply by going straight to it. they can look at all the postings and pictures but not post anything unless they have our very secret password! :) Love you all
Candace Johnson
P.S. As for news in my branch of the family Darwin graduates in December from BYU-I and then we will be heading off into the real world! Denver just turned one and is walking EVERYWHERE! He is so much fun. And I am loving life as a wife, mom and student. We recently found out that we are expecting again on April 10. The really fun news is they think that it is twins!!! AGHHH! Love you all!

Hey family! I thought I would start things off for the Pelton side of the family.

I am currently at BYU-I having a great time figuring out the whole college thing. I recently got back from a month long trip to Thailand and Bangladesh with two of my friends from high school. These pictures are of my friends and I. The bottom picture is of me with friends in front of one of the oldest temples in Thailand. The other picture is of the three of us girls with a large group of small kids in Bangladesh that followed us around while we were at a cemetery. I had a WONDERFUL time and would love to go back! Anyway, that's about it for me...

The big news from the Paul Macbeth family this summer is, of course, Kristina's Wedding to Bryce Ito on August 18, 2006 in the Salt Lake Temple. We were also lucky to attend Eric and Shelene's wedding in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building that same morning! I am posting one or two pictures, hopefully Kristina and Bryce will post some more.

Macbeth Family
Okay so I've found the easiest way to do this is go first to sign in using the user name of macbethfamily and password family then click on the link then it should take you to where all the postings are and it'll say create new post. Hope this works!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hey there family, hopefully this new idea will help us as a family keep in touch better. Anyone can post comments and pictures on here. Hopefully this works and we all like it. we miss you all and wish we could be closer. I posted a picture to see if this really works! Love you
Love, The Johnsons